Gaslawork docs

Gaslawork documentation

This is the documentation for the Gaslawork PHP micro web framework.

Project status

This is my hobby project. Like a pet I give far too little attention. Sometimes I get a bad conscience after not looking after it for a year.

At this point - and maybe forever - one shall not look at this project as very serious. It is more like a playground for me. I keep trying out ideas, and then I get more bad conscience because I don’t maintain the test suite.

Project description

I just want to make a really fast framework. At first I took inspiration from Slim, but now I take more inspiration from Spiral. Focus is on speed, without forgetting to be user friendly.

Hello world

use Gaslawork\Routing\Router;
use Gaslawork\Routing\Route;
use Spiral\RoadRunner;
use Nyholm\Psr7;

$routes = (new Router)
        (new Route("/:action/:id", Controller\Index::class, "{action}Action"))
                "action" => "index",

$app = new \Gaslawork\App($routes);

$worker = RoadRunner\Worker::create();
$psrFactory = new Psr7\Factory\Psr17Factory();

$worker = new RoadRunner\Http\PSR7Worker($worker, $psrFactory, $psrFactory, $psrFactory);

while ($req = $worker->waitRequest()) {
    try {
        $rsp = $app->executeRequest($req);
    } catch (\Throwable $e) {
        $worker->respond(new Psr7\Response(500, [], "Something Went Wrong!"));
namespace Controller;

use Nyholm\Psr7\Response;

class Index {

    public function indexAction(): Response
        $response = new Response();
        $response->getBody()->write("Hello, world!");
        return $response;


This example uses RoadRunner, but any PSR17 compatible application server will work.

Add a .rr.yaml that looks something like this:

  command: "php index.php"

    num_workers: 4

And you can now start the server:

./rr serve

This is how you say “Hello, world!” in Gaslawork. These are the basic concepts: